Wisdom Notes-38

A Friend Called Me For Help Today. I Asked God Was It Okay To Help Him.

God said “He doesn’t trust me.” God reminded me what it took for me to realize that I only thought I trusted him but He also reminded me how it felt to realize the truth and fall down at His feet in pure truth.

You can’t say you trust God and do what you want to do or do what you feel that you should do. You can’t say that you love God and be a racist. You can’t think that you honor God and won’t do his will. You know the word of God and choose not to apply it to your life. You call yourself a good person but you treat people like crap.

To love God, is to care about how He feels about what you say and do.



Leaders/Managers/Bosses/Owner: The head of a chain is only as strong as the links that are connected to it. When there is a weak link, you are not a good leader. The people that follow you, represent you or your company/group/business. When you allow people to mistreat others that are under you command, what does this say about the person you are?

From My Heart: What happen to Character, Integrity, Moral, Value and the Christian Way. It’s not all about money and people are not expendable. Good Leaders are hard to fine. A Leader is wise, smart but never too smart to learn. A Leader is compassionate, yet firm, honest and fair, watchful and merciful yet filled with tough love; patient because people learn differently and follow at a different pace. A Leader is a part from men, a woman a part from women. They aren’t afraid to stand alone and hold their own and stand for what they believe. A Leader protects in wisdom, serve in love and thinks before they speak, direct or demand. A True Leader, leads in knowledge, humbleness, strength and prays about all things. But most, find it easier to follow in the footsteps of fools.


Poetry -Leade Me

I let you lead me to the pits of hell I’m burned to the core of my soul You lead me to my death, my body wants to breathe no more I let you lead me to an empty place of no return, into pity and shame and I can’t find my self-worth I let you lead me through a pile of crap and I can’t get the smell off me or out of my memory.

But under your leadership, you lead me to myself: I chose to follow, so, in that, I learned from my mistakes And I choose to accept responsibility for trusting you to lead  In you leading me to my death, you lead me to my own life.