
Time…. Time is all you have. Time is everything. There’s a Time to live, a Time to have life, a time to be remembered and a time to be forgotten. A Time to leave and time to stay; a time to make mistakes along the way; a time to use what you have learned to better yourself. A time to do things your way, a time to do things the right way and a time to do things God’s way.

There’s a time to raise your children in the way that they should go; a time when it’s too late to teach them anything; a time when life will teach them in the hospital, jail or grave; A time to give; a time to regret giving; a time to receive and accept what is given; A time to be free, a time to be enslaved to freedom and a time to realize freedom is lonely. There’s a time to love, a time when life damage that love; a time to forget love; a time to remember that we were made to love and be loved in spite of the pain; A time to run; a time to hide; a time to try and a time to give up; a time to be still and a time to go forward; a time to fly and a time nest; a time to swim and a time to stay on dry land. A time to cry and a time to laugh; a time to rejoice and a time of sorrow; a time to have peace and a time walk over troubled waters; a time to struggle and a time to overcome.

There’s a time be humble and a time to be bold; a time to be aggressive and a time to be meek a time to bossy and a time to be submissive; a time to be child/childish and a time to be an adult/grown up; a time to learn and a time to teach; a time to follow and a time to lead; a time to be careless and a time of responsibility; a time to be foolish and a time to be wise; a time to be set in your ways (narrow minded) and a time to know that wisdom is your friend and wisdom will keep you safe; a time to hold on with all your might and I time to let go with all your heart; a time for tough love and a time when love is tough; a time to be obedient and a time to pay for disobedience. Remember Obedience is better than Sacrifice.

There’s a time to sacrifice; a time when sacrifice will cost more than your willing to pay; a time when you have all that you want and there’s a time when all that you have is never enough; a time when, where you have been and the things you have done will alter your life; a time when doors open and the sky is the limit; and a time when your rep and pride will be all that you have left.

There is a time when, what you remember is all that matters and a time when memories won’t matter at all; a time to breathe and a time to stop breathing; a time to see if your religion and beliefs were right or wrong, a time to see if heaven and hell are real.



Communication: I don’t think that people realize that words are all they have with each other. I’ve found that people arguer to keep from talking, for, if they talk, someone has to tell the truth, admit a lie or face their wrong-head-on. Communication is listening without thinking about what you want to say; not listening for words to use against the person who’s talking; listen and try to hear what’s really being said. Communication is talking to someone, not talking at someone. In listening, some words may hurt but give that person a chance to say something to make your heart feel better.

From My Heart: It takes love and caringness to address important situations with patience and understanding; to be able to able to discuss issues that matters most to you; to not be quick to augur but talk calmly; to not be assume you know what the other person has to say and rudely cut them off. It takes a sincere man or woman to sit down and talk about matters of the heart. Communication starts with being honest with yourself and your mate. Secrets and lies damage the communication of love.

Some people don’t want to listen- when you listen, that means that you are responsible for what you hear. Listening takes sacrifice, control, humbleness and a willingness to change. Listening could take the relationship to a higher-deeper level. Much love comes more responsibilities.

Love and care enough to listen to each other’s thoughts, ideals, opinions and emotions. Learn to communicate in a healthy way. Try to see and hear things from a different perspective. Communication takes compromise, understanding and mercy on both parts. Think first, choose your words carefully and pray that your words are received with understanding.