
Being Submissive is humbling your-selves one to another in love and respect; bowing to each other; saying “yes” to each other’s will, needs or demands in compassion and fairness. Being submissive allows the other person to feel loved and empowered with endless possibilities.

From My Heart: Being submissive can be a humiliating thing; that’s if you are submissive to a fool and all his/her selfish and foolish ways. Being submissive to God is easier because you know that God will not lie, He will not take you for granted, He will not hurt you in your willingness to be open and vulnerable and being at God’s mercy during your submissiveness is safe and His love is comforting. Be submissive to people with wisdom, prayer, knowledge and understanding.


Mercy is an act of kindness from a sincere heart; A willingness to have compassion on someone or something that does not deserve it; An unselfish, sacrificing act of compassion.

From My Heart: With the gun to my head, he could have shot me- but he had Mercy. He raped me and could have left me for dead, but he did not-Mercy. He could have stabbed me in my sleep but he didn’t-Mercy. He could have laid down with me and infected me with HIV but he didn’t -Mercy. He didn’t have to protect me but he did-Mercy.

Having mercy on someone or something makes you feel human and it brings the heart alive. There is no mercy like God’s Mercy on us.



MERCY Lord, You’re mercy is like every drop of a waterfall, forever falling from heaven You’re mercy Lord, is Love. Your mercy taught me mercy. In Your mercy there’s forgiveness, strength and peace. Because of mercy Lord, I appreciate Your grace. Your mercy extends far more than my eyes will ever see. You’re words “Rich in mercy” Reassures me. When I cry out “Lord have mercy on me,” Your mercy comforts me and my heart is worry free. Saved by Your Mercy and Grace. Your mercy endureth forever. You said “You’ll have mercy on whom You will have mercy. I thank You Lord, for choosing me to have mercy upon.

Without Your mercy, I couldn’t feel Your love.


Communication: I don’t think that people realize that words are all they have with each other. I’ve found that people arguer to keep from talking, for, if they talk, someone has to tell the truth, admit a lie or face their wrong-head-on. Communication is listening without thinking about what you want to say; not listening for words to use against the person who’s talking; listen and try to hear what’s really being said. Communication is talking to someone, not talking at someone. In listening, some words may hurt but give that person a chance to say something to make your heart feel better.

From My Heart: It takes love and caringness to address important situations with patience and understanding; to be able to able to discuss issues that matters most to you; to not be quick to augur but talk calmly; to not be assume you know what the other person has to say and rudely cut them off. It takes a sincere man or woman to sit down and talk about matters of the heart. Communication starts with being honest with yourself and your mate. Secrets and lies damage the communication of love.

Some people don’t want to listen- when you listen, that means that you are responsible for what you hear. Listening takes sacrifice, control, humbleness and a willingness to change. Listening could take the relationship to a higher-deeper level. Much love comes more responsibilities.

Love and care enough to listen to each other’s thoughts, ideals, opinions and emotions. Learn to communicate in a healthy way. Try to see and hear things from a different perspective. Communication takes compromise, understanding and mercy on both parts. Think first, choose your words carefully and pray that your words are received with understanding.


Change is taking action to be different than before. Change is not forced. It is a willingness inside that helps you to be different. It happens in a heart and mind of a person that has a desire to change.

From My Heart: Love does not change a heart but love does help the heart to change. Change for the sake of love or motivates-doesn’t last very long. Change to be married-your true selves will show its colors in time to come. Change to be free from bondage or prison- freedom will show up and cause you to be locked down again. I don’t know if any person can truly change without God. Changing without God, your old-self and old-ways will sit on your shoulders and wait for you to fail to crawl back in and take over again.

If you are praying for a change in someone else, remember that, God starts the change from within. That means that you may not see the change that God is doing but have faith and trust that He’s doing His part. In time, you’ll start to see small changes (first) on the outside from the big changes that God is doing on the inside. So don’t get in the way of what God is doing. Don’t continue to talk negative words to that person; don’t keep putting them down; don’t treat them like they are too far gone in sin for God to change them; don’t remind them how they use to be; don’t push them or pressure them. Pray for them. Be Silent.

Trust God. Believe in them and believe for them. Trust God for them. Pray before you speak to them. Believe that all things are truly possible with God. Nothing is too hard for God. Be patient while God is doing what God does. Let God be God.

For some people, it would be easier to crawl back into their mother’s womb than to change from the heart.