Wisdom Notes-28


I love you means I like you alot. I miss you means I miss something you do. I need you means I need sex. Your the one means your the one right now. I trust you means I trust as far as I can see. Don’t go means stay until I don’t need you. You hurt my feelings means nothing.

They Wanted Me Not

When I think back, about the love I gave, none have loved me with a sincere heart. I asked myself what’s wrong with me that they loved me not. I laid the truth before them and never kept any secrets, faithful to the soul, kind to the heart. Maybe if I had cheated and lied, they would have believed my every word. I gave more than I took, gave without motive or reason, gave sincerely. Maybe, if I taken more and gave nothing, they would have given me the world. I showed them love of a life-time, love of a pure heart and true soul. I should have given shallow love and maybe they would have loved the ground.

I spent countless moments proving that I should have been what they wanted and this they would respect. I answered every call, every text; I was there for every visit and came every time I was called. Maybe, if I had not answered every call and ignored every knock; maybe they would have tried harder to reach me; maybe they would have missed me more. The reasons were all the same: they were unappreciative, unfair and love was just a game: It’s simple; they loved me not because they didn’t want too I just wasn’t the one for them and I can live with that.

The reasons were all the same: they were unappreciative, unfair and love was just a game: It’s simple; they loved me not because they didn’t want too. I just wasn’t the one for them and I can live with that.

Pregnancy Test

Pregnancy Test:The first response to a pregnancy test is usually the most honest one, which is the same response when the condom breaks: Damn, S…, F…., etc…. It uncovers the true intent or negative feelings of a heart. At that moment, everything becomes a mistake and the hurt begins and a child’s life is altered before he/she is born.

The negative reaction in a moment of regret: Is it mine; how did this happen; Oh well; Are you sure; What are you going to do; Maybe it’s a false alarm; I can’t afford another child; It only happen one time; Did you do this on purpose; I thought you were on birth control; I thought you couldn’t have any kids; I’m not ready for a child; what will my family say; how will this affect my life; how will I be able to finish my educations; what will people think of me; I had plans for my future; not what; what if I’m infected with HIV or Aids as well as having a baby; I can’t be on lock down; I need my freedom; I’ll pay for an abortion if that’s what you want; damn I got to get a job or two jobs; how am I going to take care of a child and I can’t even take care of myself.

From My Heart: Sex and the consequences: you can’t change things back to the way they were; You can’t undone what’s been done; you can’t fix it or hide it under the rug. Finding out your pregnant should be a happy moment shared by two people that love each other and willing to make the commit and share that responsibility.

One Extreme To Another

One Extreme To Another: There has never been a balance within my thinking I go from one extreme to another and there is never a-in-between Either I’m helpless romantic or a realist, compassionate or cold hearted Either a wife at heart or a whore by nature, a friend or an enemy Either I’m mad to a dangerous degree or there’s nothing you do to tick me off Either I go all the way or I don’t go at all, forever or never Either I give 100 percent or 1 percent, pour my heart out or allow my feelings to die One extreme or the other, a woman of God or a woman of the world Adjust, adapt, improvise and survive; these could be my reasons Hey, I’m still a work in process.