
A spiritual mate; One with her husband, a praying woman, a wise woman, a protector of her husband and family, caterer of her family needs; a help mate, friend, lover for her husband, affectionate, watchful, fair-showing no favor among her children, encouraging, faithful, compassionate, respectful, patient in anger and calm under stress, understanding, merciful, humble; Everything to her husband and her children; The strongest and sweetest link of their support system. Selfless.


Poetry -Real Wife

Marriage doesn’t make a woman a wife as giving birth doesn’t make a woman a mother. A Wife, married or single, is always a wife at heart.

A single woman is always a single woman even in marriage. Wife, is who you were born to be. Being a Wife is a gift, a privilege, an honor so respect it. Being a Wife is a blessing, so own it and embrace it. Being a Wife is not something you do, it’s who you are… a Wife.



Husband, devoted and faithful. Man, unfaithful and dishonest.  Husband, caring and providing.  Man, selfish and narrow minded . Husband, understanding and supportive.  Man, distant and inconsiderate.Husband, learns to be attentive and compassionate.     Man, labels feelings or emotions as drama. Husband, a God fearing man Man, pleasing God is far from him. Husband, comes home and home is where the heart is.  Man, home is where he pulls off his shoes.  Husband, respectful and encouraging Man, feed off of low self esteem. Husband, grows with his wife, changes with his wife. Man, leaves instead of growing and changing. Husband, whaps the tears away and easies the hurt Man, causes the hurts and tears Husband, endures all things with his wife. Man, allows things to separate him from his mate. Hubands shouldn’t be the same as Man but Men should always treat their mate as a wife.


I don’t know what a real husband is. I’ve never had a good man in my life. Their heart was always somewhere else: with baby mommas, exs or mothers.

From My Heart: I guess a good husband is sweet, kind, protective, patient, understanding a woman’s heart, being merciful with a woman’s mind, strong yet weak for her, honest, giving, fair, compassionate, sexual yet attentive, listens and hears, love his wife as Christ love the church, forgiving, willing to change for the better for the sake of love, a good father, teacher, leader of his family, prayers for his family. Faithful in his heart, mind, soul, with his eyes, his touch, his intent…Not perfect but perfect for his wife.

I Don’t Want To Be Job’s Wife

I watch you struggle with the decisions of life weighing you down. You’re torn between things that seem to be blessings running over. I want to share with you my wisdom to help guide you. But I don’t want to be Job’s wife whispering satan’s words in your ear. I see the desires of your heart to please God in all that you do.

I hear your prayer to make your ways clear and promising. I want to share my wisdom to make it better and easier for you. But I don’t want to be Job’s wife and you harden your heart toward me.

I hold your heart as you pour out the fears of wrong choices. Listening to the sound of your voice as a child lost in the wilderness. I want to protect you from the wrongful ways that pulls you most. But I don’t want to be Job’s wife, judged as foolish in my worry.

In my silence, I pray and I trust God to direct your path and bless your footsteps. And I pray that somewhere along the way, your footsteps will lead you back to me. And you will believe that I love you and I’ll always be here for you. I am your blessed Wife

Divided You Fall

Fall Love, Business, Marriage & Friendships divided one from another….. Fails. * One mate working days and the other working nights is never a good thing. Nights hold much evil. You miss important moments that create a solid and sincere foundation. * Marriages built on lies, money, motives, secrets. * Marriages built on lies, money, motives, secrets, half-truths, physical attraction, sex and material things, divorce is waiting you.

* Business partners with different moral, value and plans, going in the same direction only to get to two different destinations is a rough road to travel. * A Pastor marrying the wrong woman, his ministry suffers, his spiritual growth is hindered. There is a silent division the church becomes his wife. * A relationship with uncertainty, going with the flow, words filled with “maybe” and “what if,” makes room for hurt, foolishness and mistakes.

* A Parent uncomfortable with communication, never take time to understand their children; label their children as a nobody or just like their no good mom or dad; judging them without listening, putting them aside for relationships, friends, jobs or money…causes an unhealthy future for that child.

* Dividing a STATE: Black, White, Other, Young, Old, Fat, Skinny, Tall, Short, Light, Dark, Poor, Rich, Smart, Dumb, Healthy, Sick, Educated, Uneducated, Beautiful, Ugly, Husband, Wife From My Heart Divided you fall. Divided we fail. Divided, they win. Life without God shall cease to be no more.


Covered: A shelter of love; a hedge of protection surrounding you. A rainbow of grace, mercy, love, understanding, forgiveness and compassion casting over you at all times. It’s like being covered by the Grace of God; A security blanket of God’s love; Covered by the Blood of Jesus and saved my His grace and mercy; Covered and held tightly in the arms of God every moment of every day. When someone prays for you and pray with you, two or more praying together… God is there. It’s Amazing to be covered.

From My Heart: I’ve only known the covering of God. But I once saw that covering in a relationship. He had to be a man after God’s own heart. Daily, he tried to love as God loves him. His prayers covered his wife like a hedge of protection. His spirit blessed her heart and blessed her ways in Christ. In his distance, she was close. In his silence, his prayers blessed people where ever he went and there was peace. At a touch of his hand, there was healing of the heart, mind, body and soul by God’s anointing flow through him. When he prayed, God heard him. He trusted God for his wife, for his ministry and for his life.

One Extreme To Another

One Extreme To Another: There has never been a balance within my thinking I go from one extreme to another and there is never a-in-between Either I’m helpless romantic or a realist, compassionate or cold hearted Either a wife at heart or a whore by nature, a friend or an enemy Either I’m mad to a dangerous degree or there’s nothing you do to tick me off Either I go all the way or I don’t go at all, forever or never Either I give 100 percent or 1 percent, pour my heart out or allow my feelings to die One extreme or the other, a woman of God or a woman of the world Adjust, adapt, improvise and survive; these could be my reasons Hey, I’m still a work in process.